The search tool ignores "a" "and" "the" and similar common words unless these words are included in a phrase matching expression explained below).
Select the "Any" or "All" option based upon your intention.
Selecting the Any Search Word option applies Boolean ("or") logic to the search, meaning, search results are returned that match any search expression entered in the input field.
Any Search Word: cats dogs = cats or dogs
In this example, the search tool will yield results when either one or both of the search expressions are found.
Selecting the All Search Words option applies Boolean ("and") logic to the search, meaning, search results are returned only if all search expressions you entered in the input field are found.
All Search Words: cats dogs = cats and dogs
Again, the search tool will return results only if all search expressions are found.
A wildcard is a character that may be used (substituted) in a search expression to represent one or more alphanumeric characters. It is a feature used for matching patterns. Instead of laboring to further explain wildcards, in this case, examples are worth a thousand words.
The question mark ("?") may be used to represent a single alphanumeric character in a search expression.
Example: the search expression ho?se yields results which contain such words as house and horse
Example: the search expression ?at yields results which contain such words as cat bat mat
An asterisk ("*") may be used to specify one or more alphanumeric characters in a search expression.
Example: the search expression e*e yields results which contain such words as excite executive exclude execute
Example: the search expression file.* yields results which contain such words as file.exe file.bat file.doc
Use the asterisk ("*") wildcard carefully or you may get too many results.
This feature allows you to search for a phrase, that is, words in a specific order as they appear on a page, by surrounding the search expression with double quotes (e.g., "passive infrared sensors"). In other words, you're looking for a precise match.
Example: the search expression "square plexiglas skylights" will match searchable content containing square plexiglas skylights but not plexiglas square skylights, nor plexiglas skylights, nor any variant of the search phrase.
Example: the search expression "passive infrared sensors" will match searchable content containing passive infrared sensors but not passive infrared sensor, nor any variant of the search phrase.
Again, the purpose of this feature is to return results that precisely match your search expression. Remember to enclose the search expression with double quotes.